If you want a faster connection, or decide you can make do with less, go ahead and make the change. We don’t tack on extra fees for changing service. You can also add Voice service at any time! Just call our friendly support staff by dialing 719.937.7700 and pressing 1 (one) to review all the options available and update your account.

Aristata Communications
We bridge the digital divide in the Central Rockies while transforming the relationships we have with our communities and customers to create a lasting, positive impact for generations ahead.
Aristata Communications

Additional Information

  • Aristata Communications Voice included
  • Unlimited local and long-distance calling to the US and Canada
  • Over 35+ calling features, like voicemail, call waiting, and call forwarding
  • Add a second line for $29.95* per month
* Pricing does not include taxes. surcharges, and fees, which are subject to change